Saturday, September 28, 2013

How it all began

Our electric car adventures started rather suddenly. We told our daughter she could take our 2001 Hyundai, that the girls affectionately named Herm, to college, just when our minivan went on the fritz. We really weren’t looking at cars before that and certainly hadn’t considered an electric car because of cost. However, a friend of ours had just leased a Nissan Leaf and told us about a great deal that was going on at one of the local dealerships. It was pretty simple math to see that the down payment and the low monthly payments were easily offset by the fact that we would not have to buy gas. So we took the two year lease. Our challenge is to live for two years with one car, an all electric Nissan Leaf. My bike has been a good alternative this summer. Its only 2.5 miles on flat road to the light rail station to get me to work. Some days we carpool together when our schedules align. The rainy Oregon weather could make the bike more of a challenge in the coming months. Although I know a lot of people who bike to work all year long I’m not sure I’m one of them. We’ll see. When we got the Leaf I told Amy that is was meant for local errands and commuting. She thought we could use it for all sorts of trips, the beach , the mountains, camping. So consequently we have been doing a lot of road trips. On our Blog we want to show how fun electric cars can be. Check out our other pages: Data: Mileage, costs, performance Trips: self explanatory Eats & Recipes: kind of ties into Trips above

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